Sjöberga Islandshästgård [Turridning Linköping Stuga Rum Ridweekend Islandshäst Ridning Semester Boende med häst]. Välkomna!
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A short distance from Ekenäs castle in Linköping
Countryside riding, Linköping, Östergötland Countryside riding Ekenäs slott Linköping 2h från Stockholm Villimey Hästsemester vid Ekenäs slott
Villimey (name meaning "wild girl"). Emelie with the horses. Miranda and Hjartalin ("little heart").
Welcome to Sjöberga Islandshästgård wish Camilla and Stefan .
There is only limited information in English, please contact us for more information by e-mail or telephone!

Telephone: +46-70-3539769 / e-mail:

Bed & Breakfast is open April - September.
House rental by week open April - November.
Countryside horseback riding activities open April - November.
Very welcome with your booking!
Stuga med häst, Rum med häst
Room n' breakfast Stuga med häst, Rum med häst
Countryside riding
At Sjöberga Icelandic Horse Farm, located in the beautiful surroundings of the faery tale castle Ekenäs, we offer accommodation and riding.

On the farm we have an old charming house for self-household rental (maximum 8 beds) and Bed&Breakfast (room with maximum 3 beds).

Riding activities are arranged for both beginners and for experienced riders (age 12+). We have nice and well-educated horses for everyone, calm horses for the beginner and more powerful and energetic for the experienced rider.

Nearby, there are areas with well-known climbing rocks, the Ekenäs castle with guided tours in summer-time, lakes for swimming and most of all a quiet countryside with farmlands, deep forests and a good share of wild animals as moose, wild boar, fox, deer, roedeer and others.

Price examples (all prices available on the swedish pages):
House (1 week = 6500 SEK, 1 night = 1600 SEK)
Room incl. breakfast (2person/1 night = 1000 SEK, extrabed = 300 SEK)
Countryside riding 1.5h = 800 SEK per person
Beginner's lesson + short countryside tour = 1000 SEK per person
Turridning, Ridsemester
House for rent
(by night or week)
Turridning, Ridsemester
Kitchen. Turridning, Ridsemester
Bedroom #1.
[ House rental ] [ Room rental   ]
Latest update: 2024-07-21
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Riding on icelandic horses for everybody, nearby Ekenäs castle in Linköping. (Visitors: )
Sjöberga [ turridning ridweekend saluhästar norrköping rum stuga husvagn 2h från stockholm häst till salu] [Member of Vacation With HorsesTM]